The health and sexual function of the male reproductive system are very sensitive to the influence of negative factors. Various diseases, adverse effects of the environment, drinking, long-term medication and other reasons may cause the decrease in effectiveness. One of them is an improper diet.
If a man is worried about a worsening erection, then you should not try medications to correct the situation right away. Diet and lifestyle adjustments may be sufficient. Consider which products are useful for potency and which ones should be discarded so as not to cause sex problems.

The effect of diet on male strength
In this sense, a person’s ability is no exception. To maintain the health of the reproductive system organs and stabilize the synthesis of male hormones, a reasonable diet is necessary.
The diet should be designed to ensure regular intake of the complete set of compounds the body needs.
First of all, in order to stabilize erection and maintain reproductive function, men need protein. In addition to protein components, the daily diet must also include complex carbohydrates obtained from vegetables and grains. The body needs vitamins A, C, E and B, zinc, selenium, and amino acids.
Reasonable organization of nutrition is not only to add a necessary set of substances to the diet, but also to comply with certain food intake and distribution rules.
In order to maximize the benefits of diet, you should follow the following recommendations:
- You can't overeat, which can lead to obesity, and therefore, has a negative impact on the overall health status and triggers the development of various diseases;
- It is necessary to control the amount of drinking water (1. 8-2 liters per day) and increase the fluid intake in the case of severe water loss (in summer, when the physical exertion is high, when going to the steam room);
- You can't eat and drink, which will lead to a decrease in digestion capacity and a decrease in the efficiency of food assimilation, which means it will reduce the benefits of the food you eat (you cannot drink water earlier than 30-40 minutes after a meal);
- The less processing intensity and time a product is subjected to, the more useful characteristics it retains;
- Need to eat natural and simple foods and avoid prepared foods containing additives (preservatives, flavoring additives, flavor enhancers);
- You should stick to your daily life and food intake: you should eat at the same time, with short intervals and small amounts.
A healthy man's diet
For men who want to avoid impotence, a proper and balanced diet is very important. It should be based on the protein needed to build the androgen testosterone molecule.
High levels of testosterone are the key to superior efficacy. Therefore, in a person's daily diet, meat, eggs, dairy products and fish must be present.
Most protein is contained in seafood, which is rich in other compounds needed for men’s health. They should also appear in the diet at least 2-3 times a week.
The stable secretion of testosterone requires animal-derived protein, so meat is the basis of a healthy human diet.
In order to maintain effectiveness, it is necessary to select meat products correctly. Today, most producers raise livestock by adding hormones to their feed. This has a big impact on profits, because the weight of animals will increase rapidly, but these producers do not consider consumers at all.
Eating such meat to enhance the ability of men is destructive, because the main hormones are estrogen and similar substances. Therefore, if a man cares about his health and wants to maintain his masculinity, he should pay attention to the quality of the meat he eats.
Low-fat diet meat is the most preferred. These are veal, beef tenderloin, rabbit, lamb and poultry. Meat should be cooked in a gentle way, such as roasting or stewing.
Saltwater fish contain many compounds necessary for the stable functioning of the reproductive system. The most useful for men are trout, salmon, halibut and bass.
Seafood is also rich in trace elements, vitamins, and fatty acids. Men should eat shrimp, oysters, squid, and mussels.
Any egg can be used, but from a nutritional point of view, quail eggs are the most useful.
In addition to protein ingredients, vegetables, herbs and fruits should be placed on the table every day to stabilize testosterone production and maintain erectile function.
Especially useful for men:
- Green vegetables (spinach, arugula, celery);
- Cabbage (white cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts), radish;
- Solanum plants (tomatoes, eggplants);
- Pumpkin, zucchini;
- avocado;
- pear;
- Tangerine;
- Plum;
- Grenades;
- blueberry;
- Cherry.
Whenever possible, it is recommended that vegetables be eaten raw or subjected to minimal heat treatment. Thick plant fiber, fiber has a beneficial effect on intestinal peristalsis. Good exercise activity in the gastrointestinal tract can improve blood circulation in the pelvic area, that is, help maintain the stable function of the reproductive organs.
Dried fruits, nuts, and pumpkin seeds are very useful for potency. They must be in the diet of a man who wants to remain sexually active for many years.
These products contain large amounts of zinc, selenium, vitamins, folic acid and other substances necessary for effectiveness.
Erection strengthening drink
Not only consumed food, but also beverages can help increase potency. The most beneficial for men are:
- kumis (promotes blood circulation and has a relaxing effect);
- Pomegranate juice (necessary to maintain hematopoietic function and improve blood circulation);
- Celery and parsley juice (have the properties of increasing libido and improving erectile function);
- Ginger tea, a drink made from ginger root and honey (stimulates blood circulation and activates the organs of the reproductive system).
Flavors and ready-made foods-threats to potency
The use of certain foods and beverages is extremely harmful to potency, and you absolutely need to be aware of them in order to limit or eliminate your diet as much as possible.
No matter how many healthy foods you eat, if the diet contains foods that inhibit sexual function, then the effect of proper nutrition will be small.
Nutritional supplements
First, you should limit your intake of natural food additives-salt and sugar. These substances have been added to various dishes, beverages, candies and pasta products since ancient times, but they are far from harmless. Of course, salt and sugar are not poisons, but their intake should be strictly standardized to prevent them from harming the body, especially its effectiveness.
Adding sugar to improve the taste of tea or coffee, used in baking, sauce, ice cream, jam, fruit juice production. Excessive intake of sugar can lead to increased production of insulin and cortisol.
Excessive amounts of these hormones can negatively affect the activity of androgens, especially testosterone, which also affects effectiveness. Therefore, it is necessary to greatly limit the intake of sugar in the body.
Glucose is a source of energy and is best obtained from honey, fruits, and berries.
It should be remembered that sugar is present in many products, so you need to read the ingredients on the product label carefully before buying. This applies not only to candies, carbonated drinks (their sugar content is amazing), candies, ice cream and baked goods. Sugar is used in the production of sauces, mayonnaise, and cans.
Men like salty, this is due to some characteristics of the body. However, exceeding the allowable salt content (4 grams per day) will negatively affect the function of the circulatory system. This is due to the ability of sodium chloride to retain water in the body.
Excessive salt in the diet can lead to increased circulating blood volume and increased blood pressure. In turn, this inhibits the production of testosterone and negatively affects erectile function.
Prepared meal
Today's cooking is a huge and fast-growing industry. This is because cooking is a long process and not everyone can control it. It's much easier to buy ready-made food, you just need to reheat it.
Semi-finished products, canned food, and fast food have become an indispensable part of the diet of most people living in more or less large settlements. This fact is directly related to the increase in the number of men suffering from impotence.
The fact is that various flavors and aromas, trans fats, large amounts of sugar and salt are used to make "fast food". Semi-finished products and fast food do not have any benefits, but there are many harmful synthetic compounds. In addition, fast food chains use hormone-filled meat and vegetables grown with fertilizers for cooking. This is because such products are much cheaper than natural products.
Other foods and beverages harmful to potency
To reduce the risk of impotence, men should limit coffee intake to 1-2 cups a day. In addition, it should be natural coffee instead of "pretending" to be a substitute for noble drinks.
In fact, caffeine stimulates the production of the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol, which are testosterone antagonists. You should also limit your intake of drinks and foods that contain caffeine.
Impairs potency and alcohol. Many men believe that alcohol can cause desire and increase sexual desire. This is indeed the case if the alcohol intake is extremely small. If you drink alcohol regularly, this can result in a significant decrease in potency.
Ethanol is a poison that destroys all organs and systems, so it should be consumed in homeopathic doses, otherwise this stimulant should be completely abandoned. Long-term excessive drinking can cause deterioration of heart and blood vessel function, which has a negative impact on erectile function.
Dysfunction of the liver and endocrine system leads to changes in hormone levels: the secretion of testosterone is inhibited.
In addition, in order to obtain good efficacy, you need to limit the use of fats, especially fats of animal origin, canned fish and meat, sausages and bacon, margarine, and soy.
Quick-acting products
If a man is not sure whether he can use male power to hit his partner, but at the same time he does not have any special problems in effectiveness, then aphrodisiac will come in handy. Therefore, to commemorate Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, it is called a substance that enhances sexual desire and sexual activity. Since ancient times, people have been familiar with products that increase sexual desire and enhance sensory pleasure.
The first on the list of aphrodisiacs is seafood, of course. They are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, selenium, and zinc, which are necessary for the intensive production of the main male hormone testosterone.
For a long time, ladies knew that it’s best to eat oysters before a date. Today, these marine reptiles are quite expensive, but mussels, crayfish, shrimp and squid will help build confidence in their male abilities.
Marine fish is also recognized as a good aphrodisiac. Men are recommended to eat all types of cold-water fish, but steamed or boiled mackerel and flounder are particularly useful.
Another useful product to increase male power is chocolate. Eating natural dark chocolate without additives can promote the production of pleasure hormones and increase libido and endurance.
In order to increase male strength, experts recommend using ginger. This root has a unique chemical composition, so it can increase blood circulation throughout the body.
Good blood circulation is essential for maintaining erectile function. The work of the gonads is activated, which contributes to the strong secretion of male hormones. Ginger has a distinct taste. It can be added as a spicy seasoning to meat and vegetable dishes, and it can also be used to make healthy and delicious beverages.
Nuts can also help replenish your sexual energy. For the stable operation of the reproductive system, they need to be consumed every day.
Nuts contain a lot of substances useful for enhancing potency, so it is useful for men to take a handful before dating.
Nuts are potentially allergic and should be consumed with caution. In addition, they have high nutritional value, so you should not consume them in excess: a small amount per day is enough to provide the male body with the necessary compounds.
Pine nuts and walnuts are considered the most beneficial for maintaining male strength.
Another way to increase libido and enhance male power is to eat spices-added dishes before dates. The most useful in this regard are cardamom, mint, anise, and cinnamon. Various vegetables also have a good effect, parsley and celery are especially useful.
The ideal dinner before a romantic date should include seafood seasoned with lemon juice, or a lean meat cooked with spices and ginger, avocado, fresh vegetables, fruits, and a handful of nuts.
This is not always the case, but in many cases, men’s problems in the field of sex can be resolved by changing his lifestyle and eating habits. For the stable operation of the reproductive system, a balanced diet is required to adequately provide the body with all the necessary substances.